Gilded Corinthian helmets? Two archaeological examples
BlogIn the ancient world, the practice of embellishing military equipment was widely known and practiced by many cultures. For instance, the use of precious materials to decorate helmets and armours was used by the Samnites and the Romans.
Furnishing an Etruscan house. Res Bellica at the open air museum of Comacchio
BlogOn the 25th of June 2022, the new open air branch of the Museo del Delta Antico (Museum of Ancient Delta) in Comacchio was opened. This new section is dedicated to the 4th century BC Etruscan settlement of Spina, and it's composed by two reconstructed…
How to reconstruct a Late Roman legionary? A short guide
BlogHow to properly reconstruct a Roman legionary from the 4th-beginning of the 5th century?
Browsing the numerous sources to obtain a satisfyng result is not an easy task, and it's even too easy to face (or to make) the so called "reenactorisms".
When was the lorica segmentata invented?
BlogDo you know how the lorica segmentata was invented?
Everyone considers it the most iconic armour of the Imperial Roman legionary, but often its origin is unknown to most (as it's also its evolution...but we'll talk about this maybe in future…
Our reconstruction of a Venetic situla (7th-5th century BC)
BlogThe situla made by Res Bellica for the event “Hevrì – Il tempo ritrovato”, the first living history event dedicated to the ancient Veneti in 2015 in Teolo (PD), is a tribute to the art of the situlae: an important and specific cultural…