"This helmet is too big!" ...are you sure? (1) Montefortino helmets
Blog"This helmet is too big"
How many times did you say it, maybe trying a helmet to a fair, looking at the measures of a helmet from our website or maybe receiving one and discovering, after wearing it, that apparently it was too big for your…
How to correctly choose your Roman imperial helmet?
BlogBe honest: the first time you had to choose a Roman Imperial helmet (or maybe you have to pick up your first one), you probably thought about a Gallic G, H or maybe a C, didn't you?
Maybe without even asking yourself why. Legionaries of course…
La Tène B sword: a fortunate weapon
BlogSword type La Tène B was one of the most fortunate weapons of the ancient world.
Gauls invented this highly versatile weapon, useful both to cut and to thrust, during the 4th century BC.
This type of sword had a lenticular section and a…
Anatomical armours. A classification
BlogAnatomical armours, so called because of their look imitating the human body, probably were the development of "bell armours" (the name was given due to the large lower rim). This evolution is clearly visible both by iconography and by the archaeological…
The armour of a consul during the Second Punic War (+ a new ebook)
BlogWhat kind of armour does a consul of the Second Punic War wear?
A more difficult question than it may appear. The armour is one of the main components of any panoply, and it is so even more for a Roman consul from this period. As other pieces…